Annual Housing Registration Information

Annual Housing Registration Information

2025-2026 Annual Housing Registration & Residency Status

Guidelines for ALL Current Undergraduates

The standard undergraduate RESIDENCY REQUIREMENT remains in full effect for the 2025-2026 academic year including the six semester residency requirement.  Using your normal UD network login credentials, the housing registration process will be completed entirely online via your eRezLife (eRez for short) housing account for both Irving and current Rome campus students. ALL degree-seeking undergraduates
(except graduating seniors and seminarians)
are required to declare their intended residency status for the 2025-2026 academic year via submission of either a housing application or a commuter application regardless of any previous submissions or current residency status. Commuters, see section further down this page.

Each currently enrolled undergraduate is individually responsible for their own application submissions. Campus housing application deadlines by classification are posted further down this page. The housing application will be available in eRez starting on February 15th. If desired, applicants will be able to form mutually requested roommate groups before March 9th in preparation for room selection (optional) once all group members have submitted an application. However, at least one 'backup' plan is strongly recommended in case location requests exceed availability.
Room selection (optional) is only available to complete roommate groups confirmed by March 9th.
Individual applicants not part of a roommate group will later be placed after the closing of room selection.

Continuing undergraduates who fall under the Residency Requirement for 2025-2026 but who do NOT register for housing during scheduled time slots will still be billed for campus housing.  Charges will be adjusted accordingly at a later date if necessary.

Be advised that any campus resident who breaks their housing contract at any point during the academic year while still enrolled and after previously moving on campus will be charged a $500 Contract Breakage Fee as per the 'terms and conditions' outlined within the UD housing contract.

  • Room selection (optional) is only available to groups of mutually confirmed roommates in eRez. Roommate groups first require an eRez application from each group member. More than one roommate group may be created in eRez so that students have a backup plan already in place in case the first choice of room type is not possible during room selection. The housing application will be available in your eRez housing account February 15th. This linked infographic can help you work through the process. You must be logged into your UD account in your browser to view the graphic. Also refer to FAQ sheet linked from the right side of this page.
  • Room selection time slots will be processed by anticipated classification based upon credit hours at the end of spring 2025 which gives first priority to upperclassmen groups.
    Confirmed group applications are processed before individual applications.
    Complete and fully confirmed roommate groups will be able to select a room following the schedule to the right. Roommate group leaders or any member of the roommate group will be able to select an available room in Clark Hall or in the campus apartments, if all members qualify for an apartment by the end of the spring semester. Apartment applicants must be on track to have a minimum of Junior status (60 credits hours) by the end of the spring 2025 semester. Female applicants may also opt for a room in O'Connell Hall during room selection timeslots. Augustine Hall rooms are available upon request and for late assignments. Clark Hall singles are only available to those with an official ADA accommodation for a private room based upon medical need.
    • Seniors and rising Seniors* who apply by March 9th and who are part of a confirmed roommate group may participate in room selection between March 10th at 2 p.m. CST in the U.S. and March 11th by 7 a.m. CST in the U.S. Roommate groups may also participate in later Junior and Sophomore room selection time slots (see below). Individual Senior and rising Senior applicants will be manually placed where possible at a later date.
      Seniors will NOT be able to apply for campus housing after March 9th since seniors are not under the residency requirement.
    • Juniors and rising Juniors* who apply by March 9th and are part of a confirmed roommate group may participate in room selection between March 11th at 2 p.m. CST in the U.S. and March 12th by 7 a.m. CST in the U.S. Individual Juniors/rising Junior applicants will be manually placed where possible at a later date. Rising senior groups may also participate during this time slot.
    • Sophomores, rising Sophomores* who apply by March 9th and are part of a confirmed roommate group may participate in room selection between March 12th at
      2 p.m. CST in the U.S. and March 13th by 7 a.m. CST in the U.S.
      Individual Sophomores and remaining applicants will be manually placed where possible at a later date. Rising junior and senior roommate groups may also participate during this time slot.
    • Remaining continuing students who apply by March 9th and are part of a confirmed roommate group may participate in room selection between March 13th at
      2 p.m. CST in the U.S. and March 14th by 7 a.m. CST in the U.S.
      Remaining applicants will be manually placed where possible at a later date. Rising sophomore, junior and previously formed senior roommate groups may also participate during this last available time slot for room selection for the 2025-2026 academic year.
  • The housing application will reopen for late applicants (except seniors) March 15th. However, no future room selection time slots will be available. Remaining roommate groups and individuals will later be assigned based upon credit hours and using profile information entered by students in eRez accounts and notified accordingly.
  • New incoming students have a separate process and timeline.

* ’Rising’ classification indicates anticipated classification upon successful completion of spring 2025 courses.

Students officially accepted to the Fall Rome Program will automatically be billed for Rome housing.  However, submission of a housing application/contract is still required by ALL fall Rome applicants by March 9th since the housing contract covers both campuses.  This applies regardless of any 'wait list' status for the Rome program.  

As students are officially accepted into the Rome Program on future dates, Irving campus housing charges will then be replaced with Rome campus housing charges on Office of Finance accounts.  

Each student is individually responsible for submission of their own housing application which includes a required confirmation of agreement with the ‘terms and conditions’ of the housing contract as the final step in the application process.

If a group wishes to be roommates, each applicant is responsible for confirming that they wish to be part of the roommate group in eRez and confirm the group is complete (flagged as 'my choice' on account of each group member in eRez) immediately prior  to room selection once available.  It is suggested that if any group members have a higher classification, that they select for the group at the room selection process during their time slot based upon classification.  However, any member of the group may select a location for the group.  More than one roommate group may be created in eRez so that students have a backup plan already in place in case the first choice of room type is not possible during room selection.  This simply requires changing the 'my choice' roommate group before returning to an open room selection time slot.

Keep in mind that eRez draws upon official records to determine your classification at the end of the spring.  Group members for a campus apartment requiring a minimum of Junior status must confirm their classification now to avoid denial of apartment selection due to a non-qualifying member. Otherwise, groups may be of mixed classifications.  Remember that apartments are double occupancy by bedroom (both one and two bedrooms).

Clark Hall triples and doubles are only available to complete groups during the room selection process.  Clark Hall singles are only available to those with an official ADA accommodation for a private room. A limited number of O'Connell Hall rooms will be available for selection during the different room selection time slots to female roommate group applicants. Augustine rooms will be available for selection by both male and female residents.

Room selection (optional) is only available to complete roommate groups.  Individual applicants not part of a roommate group will be placed at a future date after the closing of room selection and based upon credit hours and room availability.

Housing applicants (such as waitlisted Fromers) not under the residency requirement who are uncertain of whether or not they wish to live on campus should submit both a housing and a commuter application.   The unused application may be canceled at a later date by either withdrawing the application in eRez or by sending a cancellation request email to 

Upon successful submission of the housing application you will receive a confirmation email from eRez.  In early April, successful roommate groups who selected a room during room selection in March will receive an official email containing housing assignment information. Remaining applicants will be notified on a rolling basis at a later date once placed in campus housing.

Please note that ALL current degree-seeking undergraduates (except graduating seniors and seminarians) enrolled prior to fall 2025 must submit either a housing or commuter application for the 2025-2026 academic year regardless of current or any previous residency status. All applications are available in eRez on announced dates.

If you qualify for an automatic exemption to the UD residency requirement and wish to claim official 'Commuter Status' [age 21 before the first class day of the academic year; senior standing (90 credit hours); part-time only status; married; veteran; or commuter living with local parents(does not include other family members) within a 50 mile radius of campus] you MUST submit a commuter request application in eRez using the login that you use to connect with the UD network.

Starting with fall of 2024, commuter students are also required to submit an Agreement for Off Campus Living Form to the Office of Student Life. This form must also be submitted by May 9, 2025 to avoid automatic placement of room/board charges on your student account in the Business Office. Commuter applications cannot be approved and finalized until receipt of the fully completed and signed Agreement for Off Campus Living Form. This same form is also required should you submit a qualifying commuter application at any point during the academic year to then move off campus.

Students who may later qualify for 'commuter status' mid-semester or mid-year and decide to break the housing contract are still subject to the refund schedule policies as outlined on the "Residency Requirement" web page as well as the $500 Contract Breakage Fee outlined in the 'terms and conditions' of the housing contract.  Since housing contracts are fully binding for the entire academic year, the $500 Contract Breakage Fee will be charged to any resident at any point during the academic year who qualifies for and claims an automatic exemption to the residency requirement and moves off campus after a previous move-in.

Exemptions to the residency requirement are difficult to obtain and are not possible solely based upon personal preferences.  Requests may only be made based upon financial or medical concerns and are later reviewed by a committee and not one individual. These requests MUST be made before March 9th.  Residents who do NOT qualify for official 'commuter' status may only appeal for exemption from the residency requirement based upon the below. Students are still required to submit a housing application in the event that the exemption request is denied. 

FINANCIAL - Undergraduates with financial concerns about the cost of living on campus must have a current FAFSA on file before submitting an exemption request based upon financial concerns. The Office of Student Life is NOT responsible for releasing students from the residency requirement due to financial issues. Submission of a FAFSA will first be required by the Financial Aid Office before any possible additional financial assistance may be considered for those who remain under the mandatory residency requirement.  Residents requesting exemption must first send an email request to  An exemption request application will then be placed in your eRez account for completion.  This detailed and carefully crafted request should include a breakdown of estimated costs to live off campus as compared to living on campus. Attachments are recommended and may be uploaded within the online form once placed in your eRez account.

MEDICAL - Students who feel that they have a valid medical reason which would prevent them from living on-campus must first send an email request to  An exemption request application will then be placed in your eRez account.  This will only notify Student Life of your intent to apply for a medical exemption.  Requests to live off campus based upon any variety of medical need must still be directed to the Student Disability Services office to submit medical documentation in support of your request.  See this  WEB PAGE for additional details and contact information.  After review completion, the Student Disability Services office will notify the Office of Student Life if an accommodation has been officially granted.

Exemption requests must be made by March 9th.  Students who remain under the mandatory residency requirement will continue to be billed accordingly for on-campus housing for the academic year while enrolled as a full-time undergraduate until such time as an exemption is granted.

The online housing application opens February 15th in eRez.  An eRez housing application is required by each student in order to form confirmed roommate groups in eRez prior to the day of room selection following the above schedule.  Otherwise, your individual application will be processed after confirmed roommate groups first successfully complete room selection in eRez.

Click HERE to view the basic room, meal plan and campus apartment rates for 2025-2026. Rates shown are per student and per semester.

With the exception of graduating senior residents*, all current campus residents are required to formally check-out of and complete Room Condition Reports for all hall rooms
and apartments by May 14, 2025 by 8pm. This must include the return of room keys issued to traditional hall residents. Swipe access cards will automatically expire at closing on May 14th. Key Return envelopes for traditional hall residents will be made available. Instructions regarding proper check-out will also be emailed to you well in advance of move-out. Failure to properly complete the check-out process (including completion of Room Condition Report) WILL result in improper check-out fines. Failure to leave your room or apartment in approximately the same condition as when you moved in may also result in additional fines.

* Campus residents taking the Lit Trad II final on Thursday, May 15th have a 1 day extension to remain on campus for the final and until 8pm that night. Further details will later be sent to affected residents.

Residents may also click HERE for additional details regarding proper check-out procedures. Residents will also be sent notification emails in advance of spring closing. 

Upon proper request via eRez (form available about April 1), the only exceptions granted to the official closing date and time are the following:

• Graduating senior residents (deadline automatically extended to 8pm of graduation Sunday ONLY  - otherwise, advance payment of $50/night is required to remain clear in the Office of Finance for graduation).  Late departures requests by non graduating campus apartment residents will require apartment move out on graduation Sunday.

• Siblings only of graduating seniors upon request and confirmation of family status.  This does not include other family members.  Again, approvals are only until 8pm of graduation Sunday.

• Siblings of residents with a Lit Trad II final on May 15th who are traveling home with the sibling.

• Verification of Mayterm class registration upon submission of a Mayterm  application for campus housing with further information and instructions to be sent at a later date.   This application will soon be available in eRez until May 1st.   Note:  Spring 2025 apartment residents applying for a paid Mayterm room may only live in Clark Hall.

• Students who request and are authorized by the university to stay in support of graduation services (deadline automatically extended to 8pm of graduation Sunday ONLY).

The submission deadline for late departure requests is May 1st for students who do not fall into any of the above categories but wish to seek official approval to stay a bit longer for valid and verifiable reasons. This will result in relocation over to Clark Hall if living in one of the traditional halls or in the campus apartments which are not available after spring closing. ALL residents requesting late departure must complete and submit the Request for Late Departure application in eRez.

Be prepared for a $50/night fee when the request is of a personal nature and not at the request of the university nor academically related. 

The Mayterm housing application will soon be available in eRez until May 1st.  Mayterm housing in Clark Hall ONLY costs $150. Students are responsible for their own meals. Further Mayterm academic information can be found here. Housing specific information for Mayterm is also available here.

Summer I & II classes are fully online. For questions about Irving Summer, please contact the Constantin College Dean's Office at Further information can also be found here. Housing specific information for the summer is also available here.